The Status of Literature in Hegel’s Phenomen­ology­ of­Spirit

Συγγραφέας: Robert B. Pippin

Robert B. Pippin: The Status of Literature in Hegel’s Phenomen­ology­ of­Spirit (pdf, 19 pages)
Hegel, in a chapter called “Absolute Knowing,” end his most exciting and original work, the Jena Phenomenology of Spirit, with a quotation, or rather a significant misquotation, of a poet? The poet is Schiller and the poem is his 1782 “Freundschaft” (Friendship). This immediately turns into two questions: Why are the last words not Hegel’s own, and why are they rather a poet’s? I will turn to the details in a moment but, as noted, such an inquiry may not be worth the trouble. Authors, even philosophers (who, with only a few exceptions, are not known for their literary style) like to cite poets...